The choice of mates in the animal kingdom is not just a biological act but also reflects highly sophisticated survival strategies. The guppy, a small and brightly colored fish, serves as a clear example of the attention male fish pay to characteristics that may attract female mates. Specifically, the body color plays a significant role in this selection, creating an interesting evolutionary pattern.
“Looking into the eyes of humans, the orange spot will tend to appear yellow if the carotenoid ratio is high, and will turn red if the drosopterin ratio is higher,” researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) explain (Deere, Kerry, 2023). However, despite changes in their habitat, males maintain this stable color due to genetic adjustments. This is why the color of the orange spot does not change much, even though the habitat may change over time.
Over hundreds of thousands of years, guppies have developed distinctive color traits to attract female mates, but one factor remains unchanged: the orange spot on the male’s body. While guppies can alter their body color based on their habitat, this orange spot consistently maintains a stable hue, thanks to the combination of two pigments: carotenoid and drosopterin. The carotenoid pigment is yellow and cannot be produced by the fish but must be absorbed from food, while drosopterin is red and produced within the body. Although these factors may change with the environment, a stable ratio between these two pigments is maintained to create the appealing orange color.
“Our research results provide compelling evidence that female mate choice is the driving factor behind this stability,” Kerry Deere, the lead author of the study at UCLA, says (Deere, Kerry, 2023). Females tend to prefer males with the characteristic orange spot, creating stability in reproductive selection.
The research by Kerry Deere and colleagues from UCLA (2023) shows that female mate choice plays a crucial role in maintaining this trait. Experiments have demonstrated that female guppies tend to select males with the stable orange spot due to the harmonious ratio of red and yellow pigments. When given a choice between different colors, females still prefer males with the characteristic orange color. This suggests that, to maintain reproductive success and attract mates, males must retain these traits, even as their habitat changes.
It is noteworthy that this process helps us better understand the evolutionary mechanisms and reproductive strategies of animal species. Like many other species, guppies must always find ways to maintain their attractiveness in the eyes of potential mates. We can also draw lessons about care and selection in relationships, where maintaining a sustainable trait or value is key to preserving and growing long-lasting bonds.
HPX24h > Animals > The Care of Offspring: The Reproductive Secrets of Guppies
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