In the world of children, the habit of nose picking is not a rare phenomenon. Especially for preschool children, this action is not only a natural response but also a way to address discomfort in the nose. Although this behavior is often considered impolite, the fact is that nose picking is quite common and can be linked to various factors.
One of the most common reasons children often pick their noses is due to discomfort caused by nasal congestion. “Children often pick their noses when there are foreign objects or mucus causing itchiness or congestion.” (American Institute of Allergy and Immunology, 2020). This is a natural action of the body when it wants to resolve congestion, especially when children have respiratory issues such as colds or sinusitis. Furthermore, children tend not to realize that this action can have negative effects, such as damaging the nasal mucosa or providing an opportunity for bacteria and viruses to enter the body.
Another factor to consider is allergies. Children with allergic tendencies often experience nasal congestion due to triggers such as dust, pollen, or pet dander. Their noses become full of mucus and discomfort, causing them to pick their noses to relieve the sensation. Children living in air-conditioned or heated environments may also experience dry noses, making nose picking a reflex to moisten the nose.

“Ensuring that children stay hydrated and using a humidifier in their bedrooms can help soothe dry nasal mucosa and reduce itching in the nose.” (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2022). Moreover, teaching children to use tissues instead of their fingers to wipe their noses is an effective measure to help them develop good habits.
One of the simple yet effective ways to reduce the nose-picking habit is to keep the child’s hands busy with other activities. Children often pick their noses when they have nothing to do or when they feel bored. Activities such as building games, playdough, or even helping parents with chores can be great alternatives. “Keeping a child’s hands busy with physical activities will help reduce the habit of nose picking.” (Child Development Council, 2020).
“Teaching children the habit of using tissues or clean hands to wipe their noses is a way to both maintain hygiene and help children avoid health issues related to nose picking.” – National Institutes of Health, 2021
In some cases, this habit may be a sign of a deeper psychological issue, such as anxiety or stress. If nose picking is accompanied by other signs like difficulty sleeping, thumb sucking, or nail biting, parents should consult a pediatrician or child psychologist for timely advice.
HPX24h > Parenting Tips > Why Do Preschoolers Have the Habit of Nose Picking?
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