AI Can Make Life Easier, But Is It Harming Your Ability to Think Critically?

In today’s digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly essential part of daily life. AI tools such as virtual assistants, recommendation systems, and workflow automation have helped people save time and effort in many areas. However, the rapid development of AI also raises the question: Could excessive use of AI tools affect our critical thinking abilities?

A recent study from SBS Swiss Business School in the UK, led by Dr. Michael Gerlich, showed that overreliance on AI could make us dependent on assistive tools, leading to a decline in independent thinking. This study was conducted with 666 participants, aged between 17 and 46, with diverse educational backgrounds. The participants answered surveys related to their use of AI tools, cognitive offloading habits, and their critical thinking abilities. The results revealed that dependence on AI has a clear negative correlation with users’ critical thinking abilities, particularly in the 17-25 age group.

AI Can Make Life Easier, But Is It Harming Your Ability to Think Critically?
AI Can Make Life Easier, But Is It Harming Your Ability to Think Critically?

Cognitive offloading is the phenomenon where we rely on external tools to handle tasks we could otherwise do ourselves. When using AI to solve problems or find information, we tend to think less and analyze less deeply, which leads to a reduced ability to develop critical thinking. Particularly among younger age groups, there is a tendency to depend on AI for solving simple problems, which prevents them from developing the skills to think independently and face challenges.

But why are we so dependent on AI? One reason could be that life is becoming increasingly complex and busy, and people are looking for tools to ease their workload and mental burden. AI provides convenience and saves time, but are we sacrificing our ability to think independently in exchange for this ease? Furthermore, in a world full of information and complexity, AI offers a short-term solution to solving complex problems, but it doesn’t always encourage us to think carefully before acting.

An easy-to-understand example is in information retrieval. In the past, when we needed to solve a problem or learn about a topic, we often had to read multiple sources, seek differing opinions, and analyze and cross-reference them to gain a comprehensive understanding. However, with the help of AI-powered search tools, a few clicks can give us quick answers, but do these answers come from a process of deep thinking and critical evaluation?

Studies have shown that if we do not cultivate critical thinking skills, we could lose the ability to make decisions and evaluate logically. According to a report from the Critical Thinking Institute, the overuse of AI tools in daily work can significantly reduce people’s problem-solving and analytical abilities (Critical Thinking Institute, 2022).


“AI is not just a support tool; if not used properly, it can become a ‘crutch’ for thinking, weakening our critical thinking and analytical abilities. Overreliance on AI can make us incapable of facing challenges and solving problems creatively.” — Dr. Michael Gerlich, SBS Swiss Business School, 2023

So, how can we maintain our critical thinking ability in the age of AI? The answer is not to completely abandon AI, but to use AI in a smart and purposeful way. Specifically, we can:

  • Focus on developing critical thinking skills by reading books, taking courses, or discussing real-life issues.
  • Use AI as a support tool rather than replacing the thinking process entirely. We can use AI to verify information, search for data, but we need to actively analyze and make the final decision.
  • Create challenges in work and study that require users to apply creative and critical thinking. Solving difficult problems will enhance independent thinking abilities.

Maintaining a balance between using technology and developing our thinking will help us not only optimize work efficiency but also maintain creativity and independence in thought. While AI can make our lives easier, we need to be aware that if used incorrectly, it can lead to the “withdrawal” of our thinking abilities without us even realizing it.

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